MCPaIRSTM – Molecular Connections Patent Information Retrieval System, is the “First Indian Patent Full Text Database” compiled by experts at Molecular Connections. The database includes more than 300,000 full text documents with legal status information for each document, a well designed standard front page to match with the global patent office standards of publishing information, about 1.7 Million tiff drawings in an easily searchable user interface. The database is updated on a weekly basis and the content is available in xml., html., csv., pdf. data formats, with an easy data export option (
Molecular Connections, has an established track record of providing patent services including sourcing of full text patents from Indian Patent Offices, conducting Sate of the Art Prior-Art searches, including Infringement and Validity Searches, Market Research, Competitive Intelligence, Technology Landscaping, Competitor watch & more. With almost 10 years of IP expertise as a plinth, Molecular Connections launched MCPaIRSTM early 2012, with an aim of facilitating enhanced patent research and analytics, catering to a diversified user-base of bench Scientists, Engineers, R&D Managers & Business Professionals globally.”
Speaking on the occasion, Mr Jignesh Bhate – Founder & CEO said: “The product has come a long way since the time we started developing it and we continually aim at enhancing the database with novel features that are useful to our client base globally. The product is very unique and currently, perhaps the only database in the market that consist of searchable full specification and legal status update, which is a prerequisite for any patent researcher. We are incorporating bibliographic information from 1981 onwards to the database, to facilitate our registered user research needs, shortly”.
Molecular Connections immediate development plan includes, the launch of “Indian Design Database” by end of June 2012 and a mobile version of MCPaIRSTM.