What better way to start the year than helping the visually impaired “see beyond the limits of sight” | WE CARE ! A CSR initiative at Molecular Connections !
Team Molecular Connections had the opportunity to spend a day with a group of visually impaired and needy individuals. It was a truly rewarding, inspiring and an eye-opening experience for the whole of Molecular Connections Family.
We had a variety of activities including, debate, goal setting for the group for 2023, career guidance, singing, dancing and even gardening ! The visit also involved a detailed walk-through of the research work carried out at Molecular Connections, to inspire these differently abled children “dream higher and come work at Molecular Connections someday” !
Overall, it was a truly enriching experience that reminded each one of us at Molecular Connections the importance of giving back and making a difference in our community.
Ensuring Research Integrity: The 5 Rs of Validating Mathematical Equations in Research
Research integrity is a step that the scientific community has taken towards the advancement of trustworthy knowledge sharing, scientific progress, and the overall development of